Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Complete Mom Checkout

I think I've checked out for the summer. In a good way. Well, good for me - my family may not agree. This new state of mine is not the same as the Summer Blahs, which I've already mentioned getting. This transcends the Blahs, and has taken me to an entirely different sphere.

The Blahs just means having a general frustration, lack of energy, boredom, and a longing for some itsy, bitsy bit of motivation. I am blissfully past all that. Heck, who needs to be motivated when there are only days left of summer vacation? I'm feeling so relaxed I actually read a book this week. And it's only Tuesday. And...I didn't even feel guilty about it when I realized my husband was on his way home and I hadn't made dinner.

Dinner. What is that anyway? Can't we just repeat lunch and have sandwiches? Sure we can! See how blissful Complete Mom Checkout (CMC) can be? You send your kiddies out to play in the morning, see them briefly around lunchtime, and again at secondlunch/dinner. Then you send them back out for their last nights of summery evening play, and get them so tired they fall right into bed and sleep.

Now, as wonderful as it sounds, CMC isn't possible in long term situations. It requires dropping all but the most necessary household chores, i.e. dishes, laundry (only the minimal amount), and basic straightening. (Anything more obnoxious that MUST be done is assigned to the children to ensure a state of complete relaxation for the checked out mother.). This has been going on in my house for about three days. I feel wonderful.

For all of you who think I am the worst wife/mother ever for proudly embracing the CMC state, I would like to present my defense. In one week from tomorrow I reenter the world of getting up at 5:30 to get four children out the door by 7:15, working, teaching piano lessons, homework, reading, chores (theirs and mine), and all the other things moms are responsible for when they aren't checked out. So for the next seven days, I will continue to feel no pressure about all the things I could be doing, I will have very casual dinners, I will let my children run wild with the neighbors (within reason, of course), and I will remain completely immune to any feelings of guilt. After all, moms deserve a break every now and then, right? This is mine, and I am determined to enjoy it. So there. (My mother would never approve).


Stephanie said...

HI Jen! I got caught up on your life once again! Congrats on your tan, huge achievement for you I hear. :) That's really cute about Liam's armpit hair, I don't want my oldest to grow up just yet, so I'm happy he still has peach fuzz, too. Loved your post about your home improvements. We've been in the same boat, not quite as extreme, but we bought an older home and have updated a lot on our own. You guys have done a lot it sounds like, I know we aren't as talented as you and Rusty. You need to post before and after pictures so that I can see for myself though. And I'm glad to hear that you officially checked yourself out of mom duty for a while, someone's gotta do it. (I still got one in diapers.)

MadMad said...

Oh, I LOVE that there is a technical name now for this condition. Also? That I'm not the lone sufferer/enjoyer. In fact, when my son went to his sister - instead of me - for comfort for a boo-boo yesterday, I thought, "Damn. I might have carried this too far..." But now that I have company, I feel better. In fact, I'm gonna go see if the kids're done folding the laundry now...

Kelly said...

Take it, take it, take it, and with NO guilt!!! 5:30 is a brutal time to get up when it is not ENTIRELY your choice. EX: getting up to exercise, etc. See? Still my choice. But, I know you love that going places, doing things life so I don't feel too sorry for you next week. :) Have a great time this week and a great time next week getting back into things. Me? I am so ready for the fall now...seeing we had no summer...but I make myself wait until at least after school starts before I put up my fall decorations. Only 1 more week to go!

Natalie said...

Good for you! You deserve it. I'm feeling / acting similiar and I'm not going to work next week! I think we need to store up as much energy as possible to be able to take on that whole back to school stress thing.

Kristin said...

If this is a true condition, surely we can get the Pharmacy on board, something that tastes like chocolate and Diet Coke and makes you feel like you are on the beach in the sun, all the while you are able to clean your house, make dinner, etc. without even realizing it...

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I approve. ..I've had CMC all summer and think I may even relax my standards this school year and enjoy the kids more and be less of a MRN (Mom Rule Nazi) ENJOY!!

Kpetes-draggin said...

too funny. I have had those moments but they often involve nursing school and studying. I have the ultimate excuse not to have to participate in family life. As much as I am dreading going back to school in a couple weeks there is that to remember. K